Thursday, May 21, 2015

Going Mad While Making Models

For starters, I am horrible at making models. Like, really, truly horrible. It's very inconvenient because I'm not a very bad student as such. I'm getting tired of my teachers telling me that my models aren't even a fraction of the quality the rest of my work is. But my problem has made me wonder multiple times how important model making skills are when it comes to becoming an architect.

The model I made in second year, first semester for my design submission.

First of all, model making skills are definitely useful. There's no denying that. It's much easier to express your design with a model than with a plan and elevation, especially when trying to create new kinds of spaces. In fact, the ability to make rough models can be just as useful as making finished models.

In second year, second semester, our teacher asked us to design a 'good' space. We had to express the space by means of rough models, so we mostly used the thick, corrugated sheets that comes in packing boxes. I must say that I recommend this material for everyone. Use the paper in it's entirety if making plain surfaces and remove the top cover of thin plain paper and use just the corrugated sheets when making curved surfaces.

The 'space' assignment, with photographs of the space designed as well as
of the rough models used to express the space. All the models were made using
the corrugated sheets that packing boxes are made of.
I must say I got better at making rough models, but the model I made during my final submission was not particularly good. I guess what I'm trying to say is I understood how to express spaces using models, but when it came to finishing, I still lacked the skill and patience. Also, making the final model was hopelessly hard for me.

The final model I made
In the age of computers, a lot of students decide to take on architecture in spite of having average model making and drawing skills. But student life is much easier for those who are good at this stuff. During the final thesis, a lot of students seek help from juniors who are very good at making models or employ professional model makers.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it difficult to finish models in the limited amount of time available to me. Share your experiences in the comments section.

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